Taboret Catalog Page Summaries & Key Words





Overview Page T1Rugged little steel boxes with reversible tops; standard features; thumbnails of component variables; group portrait of the Taboret family.


Overview Page T2: 
Photos of array of tops; reversible tops explained; top thickness recommendation.


Overview Page T3: 
Definition of a Taboret; basic overview of how the taboret is to be specified when ordering; detailed descriptions of component variables including: reversible top, flush top, cantilever top, extra thick top; boxframe; footprint and caster kits.


Series 12 x 16 Discontinued


Series 16x16Middle Size Taborets—the most popular size; descriptions and prices


Series 18 x 18  Discontinued


Series 20x20—Larger Taborets Capable of Accepting 30"x30" Top; descriptions and prices


Series 24x24Our Largest Taborets; descriptions and prices

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